Everything You Need To Know About the IELTS Exam


The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an English language proficiency test for non-native English speakers looking to study or work in countries with English as a core language of communication. Jointly managed by The British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge Assessment English, the IELTS is a critical element of assessing an individual seeking to migrate to global nations’ English language competency. The IELTS is a globally accepted and credited English language proficiency test that has set the English language standard for over thirty years. With over ten thousand organizations worldwide validating the IELTS, getting employed and admitted in institutes, colleges, companies, and firms of all domains become more manageable and straightforward. Pursuing your dreams and aspirations of making it big across the border starts the IELTS. Read along to know how to take the IELTS Exam, including all necessary information on IELTS and registration:

Types of IELTS


There are two major types of IELTS available:

  • IELTS General Training

This test assesses the survival skills of the candidate in the workplace and social environments. This test is an essential requirement for migration to the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. People looking to pursue secondary education, employment, and training programs in English speaking countries need to take this test.

  • IELTS Academic

This test determines whether the English language proficiency level meets the standards of an academic program. People applying for higher education or professional registration in the English-speaking environment are mandated to take this type of IELTS.

  • IELTS Life Skills

IELTS test partners offer this test for people who need to improve their English speaking and listening skills.

IELTS Academic is a type o English language proficiency test famous in Bhutan, with many individuals looking abroad to study and work opportunities.

The IELTS Exam


Most people registering and seeking registrations for the IELTS have a very vague idea about the test. The test runs for 2 hours and 45 minutes fragmented into four different sections for the four essential language components as follows:

Listening: 30 Minutes

Reading: 60 Minutes

Writing: 60 Minutes

Speaking: 11 to 14 Minutes

The overall score of the test is calculated by taking the average of the individual test component scores. The assessments have no pass or fail criteria, so the score obtained on a scale of 1 (non-users) to 9 (expert users) will attribute the individual’s English language competency. You can take the listening, reading, and writing test on the same day, while the speaking test can either be taken on the same day or any day before or after seven days of the other tests.

Components of IELTS Exam


The IELTS Exam will appraise an individual’s level of English Language competency in regards to 4 vital components: 


The ability to receive and decipher information in a non-native English language is an essential skill if they’re looking to communicate in English speaking environment effectively. The listening skill’s efficiency and effectiveness of understanding and holding meaningful conversations will be determined both formal and informal. More adept listeners will have quicker and faster interpretation mechanism that will be partially or entirely involuntary.


A key component of English language proficiency is the skill to read and comprehend the text. The reading aspect varies on the type of IELTS test. You will appear with IELTS Academic assigned with texts related to undergraduate and postgraduate topics from journals, newspapers, and magazines. At the same time, IELTS General Training is given texts from general and regular issues. The more proficient you get with reading and comprehension, the more expertise you develop in English.


An individual’s skill to put thoughts and words in writing makes the appraisal of their language proficiency more straightforward and conclusive. Being able to express a view, opinion, and responses or deriving deduction based on observation or analysis of graphs, charts, and maps are ways to evaluate the writing prowess of the candidate. The test will include two different tasks that will vary for IELTS General Training and IETLS Academic.

For IELTS Academic, writing topics that are more academic environment-oriented such as describing graphs, presenting solutions to a problem, and justifying views, will be assigned. While for IELTS General Training, topics related to everyday general interests like writing a post to a local newspaper, ban smoking in public places and narrating a story need to be written.


The IELTS speaking test is a face-to-face interview to rate the test taker’s fluency to engage in English verbally. The test-takers topic will be asked to generally talk about themselves, family, hobbies, and interests, or the reason for taking the IELTS exam. The candidate must be able to engage with their interviewer and keep the conversations flowing actively. The innateness to articulate thoughts, feelings, and ideas in English will determine how seamless an individual can co-exist with others in an English-speaking setting.

How to Prepare and take the IELTS Exams


Preparation for the IELTS exams is usually verbal help and guidance from people who have taken the test before. Despite professional programs and tutoring offered by the testing centers, numerous candidates can’t seem to attend these classes with timing constraints. You can also find the IELTS preparation mobile phone application and look for IELTS preparation tips and tricks online. But one of the best approaches to prepare for IELTS is getting enrolled in Chhundu Training Institute’s IELTS Exam Course that guarantees a minimum score of 6.5. The 20-hour training course will be planned according to the candidate’s availability, so you don’t miss any essential classes.


The IELTS Exam is one of the critical factors that decide whether migration abroad to an English speaking nation is successful or not. A high IELTS score not only puts you in a better position to get your visa approved but also enhances your appeal as an intellectual. You will be able to get into better universities and land more professional jobs with your excellent IELTS score.

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