What Not To Do On Your TOEFL Exam

If you’re planning on studying abroad, then you’re probably aware that nailing your TOEFL is a must. So, you’ve likely done your homework on what to do during the exam, right?

While it’s important to know what to do, it’s equally crucial to know what NOT to do during the exam. Pay attention to these common mistakes that test-takers make to avoid losing points and decreasing your chances of achieving your desired score. 

Don’t let these pitfalls become roadblocks on your path to success. Follow our tips on what Not to do in the TOEFL exam and maximize your potential!

It’s time to show off what you got with the TOEFL exam! But before you take the plunge, make sure to sign up for the TOEFL coaching class at Chhundu Training Institute. Our experienced tutors can help you ace the exam like a pro!

1. Don’t Memorize Your Answers

Avoid Memorizing For The TOEFL Exam

Many test takers attempt to cut corners on the TOEFL exam by memorizing responses to prospective speaking questions.

This strategy, however, may cause more harm than good. Although memorizing answers can seem like a good test-taking method, it might make you appear robotic and unnatural.

The TOEFL exam aims to evaluate your ability in effective English writing and speaking communication. 

In other words, the test evaluates your language skills and ability to provide accurate responses. And memorizing answers can backfire if you are asked a question that you haven’t prepared for.

2. Don’t Expect Pen And Paper

No Pen And Paper In The Exam

Preparing for an exam can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it’s crucial to approach it with the right mindset. One common misconception among test-takers is that the TOEFL exam will be in the traditional pen-and-paper format. However, this is far from reality.

So, if you’re heading into the exam hall expecting a pen and paper, you’re in for a surprise.

Gone are the days when you had to sharpen your pencils and fill in bubbles on a scantron sheet. In today’s digital age, the TOEFL exam is conducted entirely on a computer, with a keyboard and mouse as your primary tools. 

3. Don’t Use Fancy Words Or Buzzwords

Avoid Using Complex Syntax

Many students may think that employing sophisticated language and intricate grammatical structures will impress TOEFL examiners and raise their scores. Unfortunately, this is a widespread misunderstanding that might hinder your performance.

First of all, it will be challenging for you to communicate your thoughts clearly and succinctly if you use too complex terminology. 

It’s important to remember that the TOEFL exam isn’t meant to check your vocabulary or understanding of complex sentence patterns but to assess your ability to communicate in English. 

And utilizing complex words might make it more likely for you to make mistakes while writing or speaking. 

It’s best to stick to straightforward language that you are familiar with if you are unsure of a word’s definition or usage. By doing this, you can make sure your answers are understandable and error-free.

4. Don’t Skip Any Questions

Avoid Skipping Any Questions

The TOEFL exam’s reading, listening, speaking, and writing sections are used to assess your ability in the language. The TOEFL test consists of several question types, including multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions, in each section.

So, avoid the temptation to skip any questions when taking the TOEFL exam. Even if a question seems challenging or unfamiliar, skipping it will lower your overall score.

Instead of skipping questions, approach each with a focused and deliberate mindset. Review each question carefully, and use any available context or clues to help you determine the correct answer. If unsure, move on to the next question, and you can come back and redo it.

5. Don’t Be Late On The Test Day

Arrive On Time During TOEFL Exam

One important thing while taking the TOEFL exam is being on time. Being late on exam day might completely ruin your performance and significantly lower your score because you won’t get extra time during the exam.

Planning in advance is crucial to ensure you get to the TOEFL test location in plenty of time. By arriving on time and in the right frame of mind, you’ll be able to approach the test with confidence and perform at your best.

All in all, when it comes to taking the TOEFL test, there are certain pitfalls that test-takers should avoid at all costs. By knowing what not to do, you can maximize your chances of success and achieve your desired score.

Remember, the points that are mentioned above are exceptionally important and with these tips in mind, you can approach the TOEFL exam with confidence and show the world your mastery of the English language. 

Are you ready to take your academic and professional goals to the next level? Read  Tips and Weekly detailed study plans for TOEFL before contacting Chhundu Training Institute!


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