The TOEFL is an English language test used to assess the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers applying to universities. If you are preparing for the Bhutan TOEFL, this blog will give you an idea of what patterns are likely to come up in the TOEFL exam pattern test.

Reading, Listening, Speaking, and writing and the total score make up the TOEFL exam pattern 2022. Candidates should always practice as much as possible for the bhutan toefl test, because the more TOEFL Sample Papers they practice, the higher their scores will be. ETS, the governing body for the TOEFL exam in 2022, determines the TOEFL exam pattern. The TOEFL test pattern 2022 has been incorporated into all of the preparation materials.

Six days after the start of the test, the TOEFL results will be available online. The total score is calculated by adding the scores from all four skill areas. Also, candidates can select up to four institutions to send their score reports to when they register for the TOEFL. As a result, as soon as the TOEFL results are released, ETS sends the official score reports to the student’s institutions.

The TOEFL exam pattern 2022 is currently available in two formats: an internet-based test (iBT) and a paper-based test (PBT). However, the majority of countries use the internet-based test, while only a few countries use the paper-based test. Aspirants should always go over the entire TOEFL exam pattern before preparing for the exam because it will aid them in their preparation.

TOEFL Test Pattern 2022

 Guide to toefl exam pattern
 Guide to TOEFL exam pattern 

The updated TOEFL exam pattern is available below for candidates to review

Reading Section

TOEFL Reading tips
TOEFL Reading tips

This section of the iBT test assesses a student’s comprehension of a passage. The section will last 60 to 80 minutes and will consist of 36-56 multiple-choice questions. The questions in this section assess the candidate’s ability to comprehend information and the meaning of some words or phrases in the reading material.

Writing Section

TOEFL writing test
TOEFL writing test

The written section of the exam assesses a student’s ability to write in Standard English. Participants have 50 minutes to complete six tasks. The title would primarily encourage students to write an argumentative essay or to express their opinions.

Listening section

Tips for listening test
Tips for listening test

This section’s purpose is to evaluate students’ ability to understand spoken English. This section includes 60-90 questions that students must complete in 60-90 minutes. In a multiple-choice format, questions include audio recordings of conversations, lectures, and speeches.

Speaking Section

TOEFL speaking tips
TOEFL speaking tips

The Speaking section assesses your ability to communicate effectively in academic settings in English. It comprises four tasks that are modeled after real-life situations that you might encounter both inside and outside of the classroom.

Question 1 is referred to as an “independent speaking task” because your response must be entirely based on your ideas, opinions, and experiences. Questions 2–4 are referred to as “integrated speaking tasks” because they require you to combine your English-language skills — listening and speaking, or listening, reading, and speaking — in the same way that you would in or out of a classroom.

You will have 15–30 seconds to prepare before each response, and your response will last 45 or 60 seconds. You will respond by speaking into the microphone. Your responses are recorded and transmitted to ETS, where they are scored using a combination of AI scoring and certified human ratings to ensure fairness and quality.

How many schools accept TOEFL scores?

Get your toefl score accepted
Get your toefl score accepted

Over 130 countries and 11,000 universities, colleges, and educational institutions around the world accept TOEFL scores. Educational institutions accept the TOEFL score in major international education destinations such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. TOEFL exam 2022 candidates can easily register and schedule appointments at TOEFL Test Centers.

In order to comprehend their TOEFL exam scores, candidates must first understand how each section of the TOEFL exam is scored. Candidates receive an email from ETS when their scores are available six days after taking the exam. You can check your TOEFL scores online. After 11 days from the TOEFL test date, candidates will receive their printed score reports via email.

The TOEFL exam scores are divided into four sections as follows:

Section of TOEFL exam 


Section one: Reading

The score range is 0-30, and the mean score is 20

Section two: Listening

The score range is 0-30, and the mean score is 19

Section three: Speaking

The score range is 0-30, and the mean score is 19

Section four: Writing

The score range is 0-30, and the mean score is 20

The total score range is 0-120, and the mean score is 78


We hope you enjoyed reading our blog on the toefl exam pattern for 2022. We know that the TOEFL exam can be stressful, but having a good understanding of what to expect can keep you calm. It’s important to do well on the bhutan toefl exam to continue your studies abroad.

If you have any additional questions about the TOEFL exam pattern, please do not hesitate to contact us at Thank you for your time reading this, and we hope to see you again soon! We would be happy to go over the TOEFL exam pattern with you and help you prepare. Thank you for reading this, and good luck with your TOEFL exam!

If you have any other questions about the toefl exam pattern, please contact us at Thank you for taking the time to read, and we hope to see you again soon! We’d be happy to go over the toefl exam pattern with you and assist you in your preparation. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and good luck on your TOEFL test!

Click the link to learn about TOEFL Bhutan-step by step guide.


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